Set to launch on May 23, 2024, Wuthering Waves introduces a groundbreaking free-to-play action role-playing experience from the creative minds at Kuro Games. The game unfolds within a post-apocalyptic world, reshaped by a devastating event known as the Lament, which nearly obliterated human civilization. Amidst the ruins, humanity has begun to adapt, coexisting with new, mysterious forms of life that have emerged. Players enter this world as the Rover, a character grappling with amnesia and waking up to a society that is simultaneously alien and familiar, filled with advanced technologies and altered landscapes.
In Wuthering Waves, the gameplay mechanics blend expansive world exploration with intricate combat systems. As the Rover, players can recruit a diverse team of Resonators, characters classified into different star ratings, each possessing unique skills. The game’s strategic depth is further enriched by its gacha mechanics, where players can utilize Convenes—specific banners for acquiring new Resonators and weapons. A thoughtful pity system ensures that players are rewarded with 5-star items after a certain number of pulls, enhancing the overall gaming experience.