In The Joy of Creation: Story Mode, players step into the unsettling night of August 8th, 2016, through the eyes of Scott Cawthon and his family, marking the second anniversary of the iconic Five Nights at Freddy’s series. The game deviates from traditional gameplay by placing players inside the real-life home of Cawthon as they face a night of terror brought to life. As the boundaries between fiction and reality blur, the family must navigate through their house, transformed into a labyrinth of horror by the very creatures they created. This fan-made homage intensifies the lore of the original series, inviting players to experience the dread firsthand.
The game features five distinct levels, each offering a different gameplay mechanic and atmosphere, increasing in difficulty and intrigue. Players must uncover hidden secrets within the Cawthon household and piece together the mysterious events that hint at why the next game in the series was never released. With first-person cutscenes enhanced by voice acting, a custom soundtrack, and unique sound designs, the game immerses players in a deeply engaging narrative. This narrative-driven approach combines with the survival horror elements to create a continuous tension, urging players to uncover the truth behind the tragedy that ended the beloved series.