Doraemon X invites players into a vibrant and whimsical world where the beloved blue robotic cat, Doraemon, embarks on an epic quest. In this interactive adventure, Doraemon utilizes his iconic gadgets to solve puzzles and overcome challenges, blending elements of platforming and puzzle-solving gameplay. Players can explore a variety of colorful environments inspired by both the classic Doraemon manga and the new dimensions introduced specifically for this game. Each level is meticulously designed to offer both fun and challenge, ensuring players of all ages can engage deeply with Doraemon’s adventures.
The core of Doraemon X lies in its innovative use of Doraemon’s magical gadgets. Players have access to his “4D Pocket” which contains items like the “Anywhere Door,” which can transport players to different areas within the game, or the “Take-copter,” allowing them to fly over obstacles. This game emphasizes strategic gadget use, encouraging players to think creatively to solve puzzles and progress through the story. Additionally, the game supports cooperative multiplayer mode, where friends can join in as characters like Nobita, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo, each adding unique abilities and adding a layer of collaborative strategy to the gameplay.